Firefighters Who Get Certain Cancers Etc Entitled to Compensation Without Having to Prove Firefighting Caused It (if they were a firefighter long enough)
Return to Work (Presumptive Firefighter Injuries) Amendment
1st House
2nd House
Effects of Bill:
This bill being passed means that:
If a firefighter is diagnosed with brain cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, or several others, and they have been a firefighter for qualifying periods of service ranging from 5 to 25 years (depending on condition), it is assumed the condition is due to having been a firefighter and firefighters can claim compensation
The presumption applies if the firefighter has been employed for a specific number of years, depending on the type of illness. For example, brain cancer has a 5-year qualifying period, while oesophageal cancer has a 25-year period.
The amendment also ensures that volunteer firefighters who work with the Country Fire Service (CFS) are covered under these protections, provided they meet the attendance and exposure criteria.
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