Native Vegetation Clearance Rules Update; Native Vegetation Council Appointment Changes

Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment

1st House

2nd House


Effects of Bill:

This bill being passed means that:

Conservation Agreements will now be thing as of this bill taking effect. They allow landowners and the Native Vegetation Council to create conservation plans that are not bound by the perpetual terms of Heritage Agreements. These agreements can be more adaptable and time-limited, providing greater flexibility for land management

The Native Vegetation Council will now have 7 members (was 5) who must have experience and knowledge in native vegetation management, as well as specific knowledge and experience in native vegetation management and preservation, primary production, planning and development, Aboriginal traditional land management, environmental law, biodiversity conservation, and civil or environmental engineering.

The wording around intact areas of native vegetation has been updated to specifically allow for minor clearing, e.g. removal of a branch or a single shrub which is too close to a road. Previously the Native Vegetation Council was banned from approving minor clearing like that.

The Native Vegetation fund can now be used to cover the administration, monitoring, and enforcement of measures related to environmental benefits associated with the clearance of native vegetation. It can also now be used to pay accredited third-party providers who are involved in delivering significant environmental benefits as part of vegetation clearance requirements.

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